Friday, July 1, 2016

Palace of Westminster: 6# St. Stephen's Entrance, Speakers Court, etc.

It was long ago when I post the last entry of the Palace of Westminster. In this time, I've been making enough progress, first of all, I've destroyed the Westminster Hall, because it didn't fit with the real Hall. So if it was  'V for Vendetta', I filled the Hall of TNT. A image fromthe scene:

(Let burn!)

Also, I've done the St. Stephen's Entrance, that is the southern end of the Hall. Images:

Then, I have advanced on the other end of the Hall:

I have also started doing the interior facades, with the Speakers Court and some reforms on the roof (adding a tower), at the height of Westminster Terrace:

(You can see that the walls aren't as detailed as the exterior facade)

And a general picture:
